U.S. Department of State Seal

U.S. Visas


U.S. Visa: Reciprocity and Civil Documents by Country


State of Eritrea

Reciprocity Schedule

Select a visa category below to find the visa issuance fee, number of entries, and validity period for visas issued to applicants from this country*/area of authority.

Explanation of Terms

Visa Classification: The type of nonimmigrant visa you are applying for.

Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. This fee is in addition to the nonimmigrant visa application fee (MRV fee).

Number of Entries: The number of times you may seek entry into the United States with that visa. "M" means multiple times. If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa.

Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. If your Validity Period is 60 months, your visa will be valid for 60 months from the date it is issued.

Visa Classifications

Fee Number
of Entries
A-1 None Multiple 24 Months
A-2 None Multiple 24 Months
A-3 1 None Multiple 24 Months
B-1 None One 3 Months
B-2 None One 3 Months
B-1/B-2 None One 3 Months
C-1 None One 3 Months
C-1/D N/A N/A N/A
C-2 None One 3 Months
C-3 None Two 3 Months
D None Two 3 Months
E-1 2 N/A N/A N/A
E-2 2 N/A N/A N/A
F-1 None Multiple 12 Months
F-2 None Multiple 12 Months
G-1 None Multiple 24 Months
G-2 None Multiple 12 Months
G-3 None Multiple 12 Months
G-4 None Multiple 12 Months
G-5 1 None Multiple 12 Months
H-1B None One 3 Months 3
H-1C None One 3 Months 3
H-2A None N/A N/A3
H-2B None N/A N/A3
H-2R None One 3 Months 3
H-3 None One 3 Months 3
H-4 None One 3 Months 3
I None One 3 Months
J-1 4 None One 3 Months
J-2 4 None One 3 Months
K-1 None One 6 Months
K-2 None One 6 Months
K-3 None Multiple 24 Months
K-4 None Multiple 24 Months
L-1 None One 3 Months
L-2 None One 3 Months
M-1 None Two 3 Months
M-2 None Two 3 Months
N-8 None Multiple 12 Months
N-9 None Multiple 12 Months
NATO 1-7 N/A N/A N/A
O-1 None One 3 Months 3
O-2 None One 3 Months 3
O-3 None One 3 Months 3
P-1 None One 3 Months 3
P-2 None One 3 Months 3
P-3 None One 3 Months 3
P-4 None One 3 Months 3
Q-1 6 None One 3 Months 3
R-1 None One 3 Months
R-2 None One 3 Months
S-5 7 None One 1 Month
S-6 7 None One 1 Month
S-7 7 None One 1 Month
T-1 9 N/A N/A N/A
T-2 None One 6 Months
T-3 None One 6 Months
T-4 None One 6 Months
T-5 None One 6 Months
T-6 None One 6 Months
TD 5 N/A N/A N/A
U-1 None Multiple 48 Months
U-2 None Multiple 48 Months
U-3 None Multiple 48 Months
U-4 None Multiple 48 Months
U-5 None Multiple 48 Months
V-1 None Multiple 120 Months
V-2 None Multiple 120 Months 8
V-3 None Multiple 120 Months 8

Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply if you believe this information is in error or if you have further questions.

  1. The validity of A-3, G-5, and NATO 7 visas may not exceed the validity of the visa issued to the person who is employing the applicant. The "employer" would have one of the following visa classifications:

    • A-1
    • A-2
    • G-1 through G-4
    • NATO 1 through NATO 6

  2. An E-1 and E-2 visa may be issued only to a principal alien who is a national of a country having a treaty, or its equivalent, with the United States. E-1 and E-2 visas may not be issued to a principal alien if he/she is a stateless resident or national of a country without a treaty.  *When the spouse and children of an E-1 or E-2 principal alien are accorded derivative E-1 or E-2 status and are themselves a national of a country that does not have a treaty with the United States – the reciprocity schedule, including any reciprocity fees, of the principal alien’s country of nationality should be used.  **Spouse and children of an E-1 or E-2 visa principal applicant, where the spouse and children are also nationals of a country that has a treaty with the United States – the reciprocity schedule, including any reciprocity fees, of the spouse and children’s country of nationality should be used.  

    *Example 1: John Doe is a national of Country A that has an E-1/E-2 treaty with the U.S. however his wife and child are nationals of Country B which has no treaty with the U.S. The wife and child would, therefore, be entitled to derivative status and receive the same reciprocity as John Doe, the principal visa holder.

    **Example 2:  Mike Doe is a national of Country Y that has an E-1/E-2 treaty with the U.S. however his wife and child are nationals of Country Z that also has a treaty with the U.S. The wife and child would, therefore, be entitled to derivative status and receive the reciprocity issued to nationals of Country Z.

  3. The validity of H-1 through H-3, O-1 and O-2, P-1 through P-3, and Q visas may not exceed the period of validity of the approved petition or the number of months shown, whichever is less.

    Under 8 CFR §214.2, H-2A and H-2B petitions may generally only be approved for nationals of countries that the Secretary of Homeland Security has designated as participating countries. The current list of eligible countries is available on USCIS's website for both H-2A and H-2B visas. Nationals of countries not on this list may be the beneficiary of an approved H-2A or H2-B petition in limited circumstances at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security if specifically named on the petition.  

    Derivative H-4, L-2, O-3, and P-4 visas, issued to accompanying or following-to-join spouses and children, may not exceed the validity of the visa issued to the principal alien.

  4. There is no reciprocity fee for the issuance of a J visa if the alien is a United States Government grantee or a participant in an exchange program sponsored by the United States Government.

    Also, there is no reciprocity fee for visa issuance to an accompanying or following-to-join spouse or child (J-2) of an exchange visitor grantee or participant.

    In addition, an applicant is eligible for an exemption from the MRV fee if he or she is participating in a State Department, USAID, or other federally funded educational and cultural exchange program (program serial numbers G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-7).

    However, all other applicants with U.S. Government sponsorships, including other J-visa applicants, are subject to the MRV processing fee.

  5. Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canadian and Mexican nationals coming to engage in certain types of professional employment in the United States may be admitted in a special nonimmigrant category known as the "trade NAFTA" or "TN" category. Their dependents (spouse and children) accompanying or following to join them may be admitted in the "trade dependent" or "TD" category whether or not they possess Canadian or Mexican nationality. Except as noted below, the number of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-Mexican family members of a TN status holder seeking TD visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the TN principal alien.

    Canadian Nationals

    Since Canadian nationals generally are exempt from visa requirement, a Canadian "TN' or "TD" alien does not require a visa to enter the United States. However, the non-Canadian national dependent of a Canadian "TN", unless otherwise exempt from the visa requirement, must obtain a "TD" visa before attempting to enter the United States. The standard reciprocity fee and validity period for all non-Canadian "TD"s is no fee, issued for multiple entries for a period of 36 months, or for the duration of the principal alien's visa and/or authorized period of stay, whichever is less. See 'NOTE' under Canadian reciprocity schedule regarding applicants of Iranian, Iraqi or Libyan nationality.

    Mexican Nationals

    Mexican nationals are not visa-exempt. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to join them who are not otherwise exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian spouse of a Mexican national "TN") must obtain nonimmigrant visas.

    Applicants of Iranian, Iraqi, Libyan, Somalian, Sudanese, Syrian or Yemeni nationality, who have a permanent resident or refugee status in Canada/Mexico, may not be accorded Canadian/Mexican reciprocity, even when applying in Canada/Mexico. The reciprocity fee and period for "TD" applicants from Libya is $10.00 for one entry over a period of 3 months. The Iranian and Iraqi "TD" is no fee with one entry over a period of 3 months.

  6. Q-2 (principal) and Q-3 (dependent) visa categories are in existence as a result of the 'Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998'. However, because the Department anticipates that virtually all applicants for this special program will be either Irish or U.K. nationals, the Q-2 and Q-3 categories have been placed only in the reciprocity schedules for those two countries. Q-2 and Q-3 visas are available only at the Embassy in Dublin and the Consulate General in Belfast.

  7. No S visa may be issued without first obtaining the Department's authorization.

  8. V-2 and V-3 status is limited to persons who have not yet attained their 21st birthday. Accordingly, the period of validity of a V-2 or V-3 visa must be limited to expire on or before the applicant's twenty-first birthday.

  9. Posts may not issue a T-1 visa. A T-1 applicant must be physically present in the United States, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands or a U.S. port of entry, where he/she will apply for an adjustment of status to that of a T-1. The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad:

    • T-2 (spouse)
    • T-3 (child)
    • T-4 (parent)
  10. The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less.

  11. The validity of CW-1 and CW-2 visas shall not exceed the maximum initial period of admission allowed by DHS (12 months) or the duration of the transition period ending December 31, 2014, whichever is shortest.

  12. The validity of E-2C visas shall not exceed the maximum initial period of admission allowed by DHS (24 months) or the duration of the transition period ending December 31, 2014, whichever is shortest.




Please check back for update.

Birth Certificates


Fees: 76 Nakfa ($5 USD)

Document Name: Birth certificate

Issuing Authority: Public Registration office  (or the equivalent office where the birth was registered)

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: Wet seal, circle stamp, and blue/purple color

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Unit Head of Public Registration

Registration Criteria: Persons applying for the first birth certificate should contact the appropriate municipal authorities and present hospital birth records, baptismal certificate, and statement by witnesses familiar with the birth which have been notarized by their zonal court, to be registered at any municipality offices.

Procedure for Obtaining: Requests for copies of previously issued birth certificates should be addressed to the Office of Civil Status, Municipality of Asmara; or to the equivalent office of any other municipality offices in which the birth was registered; in person or through a third party having a power of attorney through the Eritrean Embassies/Consulates overseas.

Certified Copies Available: Certified copies not available.

Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents.

Exceptions: None

Comments: None


Death Certificates


Fees: 76 Nakfa

Document Name: Death Certificate

Issuing Authority: Public Registration office  (or the equivalent office where the birth was registered)

Special Seal(s) Color/ Format: Wet seal, circle stamp, and blue/purple color

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Unit Head of Public Registration

Registration Criteria: Local Eritrean hospitals will issue a Death Certificate Form for individuals who died in the hospital.  This form lists a specific cause of death and may be hand written.  A hospital may issue a Dead Body Certificate for individuals who arrived at the hospital already deceased.  An official Certificate of Death is issued by the local municipality, however the cause of the death listed may be very general (i.e. sickness).  The Certificates of Death are computerized, assigned registration numbers, and authenticated by local authorities.

Procedure for Obtaining: Submit the necessary documents to the authorized office

Certified Copies: Certified copies are not available.

Alternate documents: There are no Alternate Documents.

Marriage Certificates


Fees: 76 Nakfa

Document Name: Marriage certificate

Issuing Authority: Public Registration office  (or the equivalent office where the birth was registered)

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: Wet seal, circle stamp, and blue/purple color

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Unit Head of Public Registration

Registration Criteria: Persons applying for marriage certificates should contact the appropriate municipal authorities and present church documents and/or notarized statements by witnesses.  Requests can be made in person or through a third party with a power of attorney.  Requests should be addressed to the municipality office where the marriage was registered.

 Procedure for Obtaining: Requests for copies of previously issued marriage certificates should be addressed to the Office of Civil Status, Municipality of Asmara; or to the equivalent office of any other municipality offices in which the marriage was registered; in person or through a third party having a power of attorney.

Certified Copies Available:  Certified copies are not available.

Alternate Documents:  There are no Alternate Documents.

Exceptions: None

Comments: None


Divorce Certificates


Fees: 76 Nakfa

Document Name: Divorce certificate

Issuing Authority: Public Registration office  (or the equivalent office where the birth was registered)

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: Wet seal, circle stamp, and blue/purple color

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Unit Head of Public Registration

Registration Criteria: Each party must have two appointed family arbitrators, acceptable to the court. The first priority of these family arbitrators is reconciling the marriage. If not possible, they have to work out the details of the property settlements and child custody. After presenting a signed, stamped and approved (by all parties: spouse, family, arbitrators) copy of these agreements by the court, the municipality will issue a divorce certificate in Tigrigna and/or English.

Procedure for Obtaining: Persons applying for divorce documents should contact the appropriate municipal authorities and present the necessary documentation. Requests can be made in person or through a third party with a power of attorney.

Certified Copies Available:  Certified copies are not available.

Alternate Documents:  There are no Alternate Documents.

Exceptions: None

Comments: None


Fees: 100 Nakfa

Document Name: Eritrean ID card

Issuing Authority: Department of Immigration and Nationality

Registration Criteria: In late 2015, the Eritrean government began issuing new national identity cards, for individuals over age 18.  These cards are plastic with holographic security features and the individual’s fingerprint on the back. They are in Tigrinya, Arabic, and English.   However, very few new identity cards are in circulation.  Most people still have the old cards which were issued many years ago, are hand-written (only in Tigrinya and Arabic), very poorly laminated, and easily altered.  Many individuals have applied for new ID cards with the Immigration and Nationality Department and their old ID cards have been hole-punched, though most have not received the new ID card yet.  There is a very long backlog of applications for the new IDs.

Procedure for obtaining: Persons applying for Identity card should contact Immigration and Nationality department.

Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are not available.

Unavailable: Very few Eritreans are able to obtain a police certificate so it is not required. Persons released from prison are rarely given an official release record so prison records are not accurate or required.

Unavailable:  Only some Eritreans who are demobilized from national service because of health and family problems can get a military certificate (demobilized certificate).

Types Available (Regular, Diplomatic, Service, etc.):

Fees: 4000 Nakfa ($266 USD)

Document Name: Passport

Issuing Government Authority: Department of Immigration and nationality

Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: There are no Special Seal(s)/ Color/ Format.

Issuing Authority Personnel Title: There is no Issuing Authority Personnel Title.

Registration Criteria: Eritrean passports issued prior to 2010 do not show the applicant's nationality as prescribed under the provisions of INA 101(a)(30). Posts may issue visas in the Eritrean passports, but should insist that another document indicating nationality (e.g., an ID card showing date, place of birth and citizenship, a birth certificate, etc.) is also presented with the passport when possible. Eritrean National ID cards are only issued in Tigrinya and Arabic to those over 18 years of age and are easily alterable, making proof of Eritrean citizenship difficult to determine. Embassy Asmara realizes the extra burden this places on DHS and other issuing posts. In addition, these passports have no identifiable security features. Bio data is hand-written, physical photographs are used, and lamination is of poor quality.

  • Eritrean passports issued during and after 2010 show the applicant's nationality and the Bio data and photographs are printed and machine readable. Lamination is of a better quality and numerous security features, both holographic and ultraviolet, are utilized.
  • Children under the age of 16 can travel on the Eritrean passport of a parent. Each accompanying child must be issued a separate visa, which is affixed to the traveling parent's passport.
  • Passports are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a five year period. The Ministry or an Eritrean Embassy or Consulate may renew a passport multiple times for additional five year periods.

Procedure for Obtaining: Submit ID card, birth certificate and supporting letter from your Zone Administration.

Alternate Documents: There are no Alternate Documents.

Exceptions: None

Comments: Children under the age of 16 can travel on the Eritrean passport of a parent. Each accompanying child must be issued a separate visa, which is affixed to the traveling parent's passport. Passports are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a five year period. The Ministry or an Eritrean Embassy or Consulate may renew a passport multiple times for additional five year periods.

Other Documents Available: None



Education Documents for all levels of study are available through the institution.  Matriculation results are available through the Testing center.

To be considered equivalent to a United States high school education, a student must take and pass matriculation exams after completing High School courses.  A GPA of 0.6 for males and 0.4 for female is necessary on the matriculation exams to apply for post-secondary education in Eritrea (see chart below). 


Since 2008

Previous years

Before 2003


2.00 for males

1.80 for females

2.00 for males

1.80 for females

2.4 and above for all


1.2 -1.80 for males

1.0 – 1.60 for female

1.00 - 1.8 for males

0.8 –  1.6 for females

2.2 for all


0.6 – 1.0 for males

0.4 – 0.8 for females



1.6 and 1.8  for all


Documents Post would accept to be satisfied that the education requirement is met:

  1. High School transcript(s) and Matriculation Exam Certificate, or

  2. Diploma or Degree certificates from a tertiary educational institution, or 

  3. Certificate from a tertiary educational institution along with High School transcript(s) and Matriculation Exam Certificate. Please note that a couple Certificate or Vocation programs do not require graduation from High School and/or Matriculation Exams.

Post Asmara is able to send education documents for verification with the Eritrean authorities if there are any specific concerns with documents.


From 1991-2002, high school completion was at grade 11.  The person only received one transcript through grade 11 from the secondary school s/he attended.   These individuals also must take matriculation exams.

After 2003, HS completion is grade 12, however grade 12 is finished during military service.  The person would receive 2 transcripts, one from the secondary school where s/he attended through grade 11, and another certificate from “Sawa” for grade 12.  Matriculation exams are mandatory when a student attends Sawa and s/he should have these results as well.  A student who completed grade 10 in a secondary school, then went for two years to a vocational school, can take the matriculation exams and as long as they receive the minimum GPA, they can apply for Post Secondary education.  This procedure will soon change and a student will receive a compiled transcript from their former high school as they would have completed 75% of their high school there, though we are not sure when.

After taking matriculation exams and passing with the required GPA, students are eligible to apply for a degree, diploma, certificate.  

Post Title:  Embassy

Address:  179 Alaa Street
                 P. O. Box 211
                 Asmara, Eritrea

Phone Number: Tel: (291-1) 12-00-04, Fax: (291-1) 12-42-55/ (291-1) 12-75-84

Email: ConsularAsmara@state.gov

Comments: None

NIV: Embassy Asmara processes Non-Immigrant Visas for nationals, subjects and residents of Eritrea.

IV: Embassy Asmara does not process Immigrant Visas.  All Immigrant Visas and Visas 92/93 for nationals of Eritrea are being processed by the embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Additional Information for Reciprocity

Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply if you believe this information is in error or if you have further questions.