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Intercountry Adoption > For Adoption Professionals > Adoption Data and Statistics
The Department of State maintains detailed information about Adoption Statistics regarding incoming intercountry adoptions to the United States based on the numbers of adoption-based visas (categories IH-3, IH-4, IR-3, and IR-4) issued during each calendar year (January 1 – December 31). This resource identifies data by year, country of origin, adoptive parents’ state of residence, and visa type, and also provide information about the country of origin’s Hague Adoption Convention status and the children’s sex and age at the time of adoption.
The Department of State’s Annual Adoption Reports to Congress also provides data regarding both incoming and outgoing adoptions during each fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). Section 104 of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA) outlines the parameters and criteria for the report, which presents information in both narrative and chart formats.
The Department of State’s Annual Report of the Visa Office also includes information about visa categories, including adoption-based, issued at U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide.
The Hague Conference on Private International Law maintains global intercountry adoption statistics, including detailed country-specific data reported by each Convention country, on its website in the Adoption Section.
Adoption Tracking Service and the AE Portal
The Adoptions Tracking Service (ATS) is an Internet-based system that facilitates the Department of State’s ability to collect data about intercountry adoption, as required by the IAA.
The Department uses ATS data to fulfill four primary functions:
ASP Access to ATS
Previously, both ASPs and AEs provided information on intercountry adoption cases to the Department by entering data directly into ATS. To address ASP concerns about the time and cost of supplying information both to ATS and to the AE’s data collection portal, on October 26, 2020, the Department modified the requirements pertaining to ASP data entry into ATS. For all cases registered in the AE portal on or after February 15, 2018, ASPs now enter data only into the AE’s portal, and the Department transfers relevant information into ATS. As a result of this change, ASPs no longer have or need access to ATS.
To update, correct, or verify historical ATS records for cases registered before February 15, 2018, ASPs may request assistance by email to the Adoption Oversight Division, Office of Children’s Issues, Requests should include ‘ATS INQUIRY’ or ‘ATS UPDATE’ in the subject line and the agency’s name and information regarding the case in the body of the email.
Questions about the AE portal should be submitted to IAAME or CEAS.
A: Many ASPs expressed frustration with the limitations of the ATS system and that they were required to enter identical data into multiple databases. The Department heard ASP concerns and worked to find an effective way to respond to ASP concerns about this challenge while also meeting its statutory obligations to establish a registry for and track all intercountry adoptions. The AE will provide the Department with data from its portal, which the Department will manually enter into ATS.
A: No, there are some differences. The AE and the Department examined all fields in both ATS and the portal to identify duplications, unnecessary data points, and information already provided to ATS through its interface with other department databases.
A: As of October 26, 2020, ASPs began entering new case information in the AE portal. PKI cards were deactivated on November 6, 2020 at which point ASPs were no longer able to access ATS and could only enter data into the AE portal. For historical cases not in AE’s portal, any requested updates can be sent to
A: ASPs can update, correct, or verify historical ATS records by sending an email request for assistance to Please put ‘ATS INQUIRY’ or ‘ATS UPDATE’ in all caps in the subject line and include your agency’s name and information regarding the case in the body of your email to assist with prompt handling of your request.
A: No. There will be no access to ATS beyond October 26, 2020. To update historical cases not in the AE portal, see the response to question four above.