File a Hague Application

Discuss your options with your country officer

Deciding whether to file an application under the Hague Abduction Convention (Convention) is important. It will depend on each case’s specific circumstances. The country officer assigned to your child’s case can tell you what options generally exist. They can also explain how to file a Hague application. Please note that the country officer cannot provide you with legal advice. Before deciding, you should speak to an attorney about your particular circumstances and options.

NOTE: A custody order is not a requirement to file a Hague application. Any delays in filing could affect the outcome of the case. For example, if it has been more than one year from the wrongful removal or retention before the Convention proceedings commence, it may be more difficult to have a child returned under the Convention.

Contact a country officer to learn if the Hague Abduction Convention could be an option.

Are You Eligible to File a Hague Application?

What country was your child taken to?
Is your child under 16 years old?

Are You Eligible to File a Hague Application?

Current Selection(s)

  • Country:

  • Child under 16?

You may be able to file because is a Hague Convention partner with the United States and your child is under 16 years old. To determine whether the U.S. Central Authority will accept your application, please contact your country officer to discuss your case.

The U.S. Central Authority will not accept a Hague application. While is a Hague Convention partner, your child is over 16 years old. Please contact the country officer assigned to your child's case to discuss available options.

The U.S. Central Authority will not accept a Hague application because is not a Hague Convention partner with the United States. Please contact a country officer to discuss options that may be available in your case. It is also always best to discuss your case with an attorney prior to taking any actions.

Contact your country officer to discuss whether the U.S. Central Authority will accept a Hague application in your child's case, and what other options may be available. Additionally, since your country officer cannot provide legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult an attorney before taking any actions on your child's case.

1-888-407-4747 from the U.S. & Canada
1-202-501-4444 from abroad

Hablamos español. Llamenos para obtener ayuda.

Note: To file a Hague application, you must:

  • Have had custodial rights and been exercising those rights at the time of the abduction or wrongful retention, or show that you would have been exercising those rights if the abduction or retention had not occurred. Custody rights may be awarded by court order or arise by operation of law (of the place where the child lived prior to the abduction);
  • Have not given permission for the child to be removed or, in the case of wrongful retention, to be retained beyond a specified, agreed-upon period of time;
  • Be able to show that your child was "habitually resident" in the country to which you request the child be returned.

Explore Your Legal Options

If filing a Hague application is not available to you, other actions you may consider, in consultation with an attorney, include:

  • Reaching an agreement with the other parent
  • Mediation
  • Using a foreign country's judicial system
  • Filing a criminal complaint

Contact a country officer to discuss options that may be available to you in your child's case. You should also speak with an attorney prior to taking any actions on your child's case.

1-888-407-4747 from the U.S. & Canada
1-202-501-4444 from abroad

Hablamos español. Llamenos para obtener ayuda.

Locate Your Form

The Hague application form is available in English and Spanish. You can either print a blank form to fill out by hand or fill it out online and then print it.

  • Submit TWO completed applications for EACH child. One copy may be a photocopy.
  • Type or print all information in black or blue ink.
  • Please check the box indicating whether you are seeking the return of your child or access to your child (court-ordered visitation).
  • Provide as much information as possible, using an additional sheet of paper if you need more space.
  • Translation of the supporting documents into the official language of the receiving country may be necessary and can speed up the process, even when they are not required.

View additional guidance on how to complete the application form

Download Hague Application in ENGLISH

Descargar la aplicación de la Haya en ESPAÑOL

Baixar o aplicativo da Haia em PORTUGÛES

Collect Supporting Documentation

Along with your application form, you'll need to submit supporting documentation. Requirements vary by country. Check with your country officer for country-specific document requirements.

  • Birth Certificate for EACH child. May need to be certified copy.
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable). May need to be certified copy.
  • Divorce Decree (if applicable). May need to be certified copy.
  • Evidence of Custodial Right (For example: a custody order, a copy of state statute, an affidavit of law regarding presumption of custody order under state law, or an Article 15 determination by a court or relevant administrative authority).
  • Other relevant legal documents.
  • Photographs of taking parent and child. (Please note that these will not be returned if sent by mail).
  • Statement regarding the circumstances of removal or retention.
  • Other documents specifically required by receiving country. This may include, but is not limited to, an Article 28 statement or Power of Attorney to foreign Central Authority).
  • Translations of the above documents into the language of the receiving country (if applicable).
  • Application for legal assistance (if applicable).

Submit Application

Before submitting your application, we recommend you consult with an attorney to confirm that your application is complete.

Contact a country officer:

1-888-407-4747 from the U.S. & Canada
1-202-501-4444 from abroad

Hablamos español. Llamenos para obtener ayuda.

Your Country Officer will inform you if you can submit the application by email or if you will need to mail it. If you have access to email, please scan and email your application to your country officer. 

If you need to mail it, please send your completed application to the U.S. Central Authority through a mail service with tracking options to:

U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Children's Issues
SA-17, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20522-1709

Note: Be sure to sign and date your application form.

Your country officer will review your application for completeness. Once complete, the country officer will forward it to the foreign Central Authority.

Next Steps

Stay in frequent contact with the country officer responsible for cases involving the country where your child is located and let our office know if your contact information changes so that we may reach you as your application is processed.

As the U.S. Central Authority, the Department of State will accept Hague applications. Once we receive your Hague application, we will review it for completeness. After this review, we will send your application to the foreign Central Authority. That foreign Central Authority is responsible for processing your application. Operations and procedures vary by country. 

Your country officer can explain the process in the country where your child is located. They will update you as your child's case progresses through the foreign legal system. But, keep in mind that a country officer cannot provide you with legal advice. It is best to speak with an attorney before taking any action on your child's case.

Many Hague cases do go to trial. However, there are other possible ways these cases end. To avoid further civil action, the taking parent may return the child voluntarily. The taking parent may also be open to mediation. 

In some countries, you may need to hire an attorney. In other countries, the foreign Central Authority files the case in court. In these countries, if you hire a private attorney, this may prevent them from proceeding. In countries where the foreign Central Authority files the case in court, it may only represent the Hague application. In these cases, the foreign Central Authority may not represent your interests. Your country officer can explain the role of the Central Authority and hiring an attorney in specific countries. U.S. Government officials cannot act as an agent or attorney in legal proceedings. This includes your country officer and Embassy employees.

If the other parent does not voluntarily agree to return your child, you may want or need to attend a legal proceeding in the foreign court. It is a good idea to make sure you have the ability to travel to that country. This includes having a valid passport and visa, if necessary. You should secure these documents early as you may have short notice for the travel.

Learn how to retain a foreign attorney

Find an attorney abroad familiar with abduction cases