Vietnam Authorizes U.S. Adoption Service Providers – Intercountry Adoptions from Vietnam to the United States through a Special Adoption Program May Commence on September 16, 2014

Last Updated: September 11, 2014


Vietnam’s Central Adoption Authority, the Ministry of Justice, announced that it has authorized two U.S. adoption service providers to facilitate intercountry adoptions in Vietnam: 

            Dillon International, Inc.
            Holt International Children’s Services, Inc.

Effective on September 16, the United States will process Hague Convention adoptions from Vietnam through a program for children with special needs, children aged five and older, and children in biological sibling groups (Special Adoption Program). Please see our June 16th Adoption Notice outlining the Special Adoption Program.

The United States will not, however, process Hague Convention intercountry adoptions from Vietnam that fall outside the parameters of the Special Adoption Program.  

The Department of State will provide updated information on as it becomes available. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact the Office of Children’s Issues at 1-888-407-4747 within the United States, or 202-501-4444 from outside the United States.  Email inquiries may be directed to