Bhutan _Notice_ Bhutan Issues Rules Permitting Intercountry Adoption_ September 15, 2015
Colombia _ Expiration of Colombian Authorization for U.S. Adoption Service Providers_ June 8, 2015
Colombia_Notice_Colombia high court rules for adoptions by same-sex couples_November 12, 2015
Democratic Republic of the Congo_Adoption Alert_ Measles Outbreak in the DRC_ August 20, 2015
Ethiopia _ Alert_Suspension of Adoption Cases from Kid’s Care Orphanage_December 23,2015
Haiti_Lengthy Adoption Processing Times in Port-au-Prince_ May 13, 2015
India_Notice_Exit Permits Required for Adoptive Parents to Depart India_October 29, 2015
India_Notice_Only U.S. Citizens may File a Form I-800A or Form I-800_ July 27, 2015
Kazakhstan _ Notice_Submission of Post-Adoption Reports_August 13, 2015
Liberia _Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption Lifted_ June 30, 2015